Photo Galleries
• The Borcherding Collection Gary said these photos were taken about 7 years after our graduation from high school. Some were at the class reunion site (Seward?) and others were in Colorado. Anybody remember this?
• The Lois Collection Lois Bruns Richters brought out her old photo album and with the help of Larry's scanner, we can all see her great black & white photos. Relive the choir tour, Spring banquet and other events. Thanks, Lois!
• 30th Year Reunion We're not sure about the year these photos were taken, but we think it was after about 30 years. Thanks to Lois and others for these photos and to Larry for scanning them.
• 40th Reunion Video Larry did a masterful job of creating this video from our 2001 class reunion. You'll laugh and cry as you watch it and your heart will be flooded with warm memories of days and people. Thanks, Lord, for putting us all together.
• Rhea
Collection Rhea's photo album included these pics of life in
and around the dormitory.
* Class
Photos 1 Over the years there have been large and small gatherings
of the class. Here are some of the photos taken at these gatherings. There
is room for more!
• Old Campus The first campus building was Founders Hall. It housed everything, including an apartment for the President. Some of these buildings no longer exist. Thanks to Jerry Pfabe and Bob Fiala.
• Current Campus The campus continues to grow and expand with several new buildings. Here are a few of the present campus buildings.
• Seward Seward has changed over the years. Here are some of the spots well known to Concordia students. Thanks to House of Davisson and Bob Fiala for these photos.
• Sports Champs Football, basketball, and baseball championship teams from the years 1957-60. Thanks to Cliff Doll and Warren Wilbert.
• 1961 Raider Football Photos of the team, the offense, the co-captains and of Raider, the mascot. Just added: 2010 Team Photo.
* Reunion 2011 - Photos of class members at the 2011 Class Reunion in Seward.