Concordia Hi-Lines Overview
The Concordia Hi-Lines was published bi-monthly under rather primitive standards compared to today's technology. The staff gathered in the Typing Classroom in the basement of Becker Hall. Typists had the job of typing up articles in columns which would match the 3-column layout of the paper. In order for the columns to be justified on both sides, we were told to type /// marks to fill the line. That would help to type the second draft on the mimeograph stencils. Art work was done by hand with a stylus and was rather primitive. Photos were not even considered.
During the week, reporters were assigned tasks and they brought their work to the work sessions. The final production was the task of the school secretary and distribution took place on a table outside the school library up on the 1st floor of Becker.
The Staff in our senior year is listed in the box. Most were seniors. Click here to view highlights of publications from our senior year.