Wilfred Langefeld
From the 1967 Class Newsletter
It is an unusual privilege to be able to join the members of the CHS graduating
class of 1961 in extending greetings to one another and I want to thank
Dan and Sandi for giving me this opportunity. The Newsletter sounds like
a good idea and I hope that periodically it can make the rounds over the
years to come.
As we look back to 1961, we are prone to say “those were the days” before: a few more modern facilities, a college student body twice the size, twice as many faculty members, transfer to the college staff, a flat-top haircut, grey hair, the 40’s and middle age, the Yankees joined the minor leagues and so on. With the passage of time since we shared some hours in a religion class, we have scattered and experienced our ministry in many places. Through us, the Lord is reaching forth and, I am sure, causing us to be a blessing to many individuals.
For my part, the courses are now called Psychology; most classes are very large; transfer students numbering as many as two-thirds of each class; and as the work load becomes heavier, the time to do the work seems to become less. Individuals, their problems and concerns, still are the most improtant part of the position. Research interest and opportunities are always present, but time remains the problem.
The oldest son now attends CHS and the other four attend St. John’s across the street; the wife remains the best; and the Lord remains very gracious in allowing us to continue our ministry on this campus. We are happy and thankful - and hope this finds each and every one of you the same. May the Lord be with you.
W. Langefeld