Sharon Lase
Morrill, Nebraska
Back in 1967 . . .

Sharon attended CTC for two years before getting married and moving to Denver. Since that time she has been a busy housewife and mother to two children.
Future plans call for husband Dave to complete his college education. They have been accepted at CTC and may enroll in the near future.
Sharon closes by suggesting a reunion of the class in the near future. Any other opinions on the subject?
Now in 2010. . .
Rifle, Colorado
Wow, that seems almost impossible – except when one thinks of all that has happened in their life during that time!
After marrying Dave Church and moving to Denver, his company, Public Service
Co. of CO moved us west across Colorado – Denver, Leadville, Dillon, and
now Rifle, CO. We have enjoyed each place although totally different. Our
children, Devin and Dawn started out in Lutheran schools and then moved
to public school in Leadville, a 2-mile high mining community. What a change,
but an experience.
We have been in Rifle for 23 years now, so call it home.
After many years of volunteering in school, hospital, and community activities,
I served as the manager of the Rifle Area Chamber of Commerce and Information
Center – a job I truly loved each day. Things are changing, so I retired
in 2003 and Dave retired in 2005 from Holy Cross Energy. We have been enjoying
our winters in Yuma AZ in our motorhome and plan to extend our stay away
from snow shoveling even longer.
Our son, Devin and his wife celebrated
their 25th anniversary last June and are proud parents of Tracy, 24 and
Shay, 22 (the other Sharon Church). Our daughter Dawn lives in Byers CO
and is a contract administrator now working for a German company in Denver.
She is engaged to Russ Krank who has two boys.
I have many wonderful memories of my time at Concordia, Seward and am looking forward to reliving some of them with classmates in 2011. Initiation, getting the mail in the old gym, eating in the dining hall and at Dale’s, the movies at the Rivoli downtown, and the great old dorms we lived in – what memories!