Judy Hollar
Statesboro, Georgia
Back in 1967 . . .

After graduation from CHS, Judy or ‘Georgia’ returned to her native land, where she met her husband-to-be. After marriage he completed college and entered the Air Force. He is presently in navigator training in California, while Judy is in Georgia, working as a clerk stenographer.
Her plans for the future include having a family. She requests that Koolie write her a letter, and concludes with the comment, “It’s been a long, long time since 1961.”
In 2010. . .
Georgetown, Texas
Judith (Judi or Georgia) Hollar (Stanfield) In 1962, Harry Stanfield and I were married. In 1968, Scott Terrell was born followed by Leslie Marla in 1974. When Scott was 3, I graduated in Elementary Education from Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC. We (yes, I also felt like I was in the Air Force) were commissioned as 2nd Lt in 1965.
Highlight of military life was a 3-year tour in Germany. During those three years, I traveled to 17 countries. After returning to CA, we traveled via C5A to Australia and had the "best vacation" my kids ever had. A plus was having to spend 3 nights in Hawaii on the way back.
Sadly, the marriage ended
in 1988. Since my children would not return to Georgia, we stayed in CA
until 2005 when I made the big move to Texas. Back to the South! I must
say there are many differences between Texas and Georgia - just different
but also wonderful. I worked in the schools and taught private piano lessons
from 1988-2005.
Scott and his wife Cyndi started a software company in Pt Richmond, CA in 1997. the year Ben was born. The company has flourished and last year was Microsoft Partner of the Year (out of 3000), You might be amused by his website, Vertigo.com. My daughter has a master's degree in Human Resource and works for a global pharmaceutical company. She travels to Canada, New York, Italy, Copenhagen (company hq.), Spain, and will go to Paris in June. She loves the travel.
In 2008, Leslie and Jacob were blessed (me, too) with the birth of Sarah Faith. She is so happy and such a joy! I'm dabbling in art work: watercolor, pressed flowers incorporated in watercolor. Recently completed, I wrote and illlustrated a picture book for grades 1-2 with verses - on Bugs! The title is What do Bugs do When Nobody's Looking. I'm waiting for the US copyright to seek a publisher or maybe self-publish. I am in two Bible Studies - one is for writers and artists. It is so wonderful to be with Christian sisters who do what I love to do - being creative!
God has had his hand on me all my life. It hasn't all been a bed of roses, but I have grown stronger spiritually. I feel very blessed. God bless all my Concordia classmates.
With His love,
Judi Hollar