Lois Abresch
Waverly, Iowa
Back in 1967 . . .

Upon graduation from CTC (1965), Lois married Richard Reddemann and was called to Trinity, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. At present she is teaching grades 1-3, with a classroom of 32 students (and more coming), besides keeping house, teaching Sunday School and belonging to numerous other organizations. Since graduation she has seen Donna Watson and Dave Meyer,and talked to Gloria Becker on the phone. She sends congratulations to Judy Friesen Nack (Fritz) on the birth of her twin boys.
In 2010. . .
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
I’m late. I kept putting off writing my bio, trying to convince myself that boring is beautiful.
After graduating from college at Concordia, I married Dick Reddemann and moved to Fort Wayne, IN where he was already teaching at Concordia Grade School. I began teaching at Trinity Lutheran School, but after three years of teaching at different schools I decided that if one of us was a teacher, the other would get a job. I’ve done different things, director of personnel, special services coordinator, but mostly spent time in sales. I retired two years ago from Do It Best Corp., which has its international HQ in Fort Wayne, as advertising sales rep. I had great times working, especially when the job included travel and public speaking.
Our family is a major blessing. We have two lovely daughters, Gail and Jill. They attended Concordia Grade School and Concordia High School. Jill continued on to Concordia, Seward (a good use of sweatshirts). Gail graduated from DePauw.
Jill and husband Donald, who was in the Air Force while she taught in Idaho, live in Sherwood, OR, where he will be pastor starting Aug. 8,2010. Their two sons, Alex and Aaron, were born in England.
Gail and her husband David live north of Milwaukee, WI, and have two sons, Nathan and Nolan. Gail and Jill both do marketing. Our grandsons (like yours) are awesome and since they don’t live nearby, much of our time is spent traveling.
Our church home, Concordia, has been a blessing to us for 45 years. Dick spent his entire teaching career, (40 ½ years) there. We have been in the same cottage Bible group for over 40 years and all of those people are dear friends. Dick met a gentleman in the church choir his first month in Fort Wayne and he and his wife are still our closest friends. I have done many jobs and served on many committees at church and it has been a blessing to us and to our daughters as well.
In my spare time (what little there is of it) I go to ball games. We have had season tickets to our minor league ball team, the Fort Wayne Tincaps, since 1993. For most of those years we were a host family for a player or players. Several of them have played briefly in the majors and we still maintain contact with a few. I also enjoy game playing, reading, shopping (I have a talent) and traveling. Since retirement, Dick has worked part time at the Hilton, so travel is budget friendly.
The Lord has truly blessed us and we continue to work in His kingdom.