Dave Block
York, Nebraska
Back in 1967 . . .

After CHS Dave went to junior college at Concordia, Austin. He participated in various extra-curricular activities including a singing group called “The Fabulous Fiascoes” which toured the Texas Walther League Circuit. (Do you remember the Brothers Four fiasco at the high school talent show?)
From Austin he went to Concordia Senior College in Ft. Wayne. It is presumed that he met his wife there and was married in 1965.
After two years at the Seminary in St. Louis, he is presently serving as vicar at Zion Lutheran, Sioux Falls, SD. He is primarily serving in the area of youth work. This past summer he served as Protestant Chaplain at a lodge on the north rim of the Grand Canyon, which was “a most rewarding experience.”
In 2010. . .
Prague, Czech Republic
Good grief, A guy can't get lost, even if he tries! Yes,
we're in Prague for one year, will return home next Thanksgiving. I'm serving an English speaking congregation that worships in a church founded in 1157. We think something's old if it's 75 years old! The experience is great. It's volunteer, we paid our own way over plus all expenses except the 700 sq.
ft. flat which they provide. We're having the time of our lives. Yes, we flunked retirement, but as a Nebraskan, happy as a pig in mud. We're looking forward to the reunion. Thanks for all your work.
With much love,
Dave and Carlyn.
P.S. Please pass this along to others. Our email: daveandcarlyn@gmail.com
Educational Background:
1997 D. Min., Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, CA, - Leadership Development
1975 M.S., University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, - Rehabilitation Administration
1969 M.Div., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO
1965 B.A., Concordia Senior College, Ft. Wayne, IN, - Sociology/Psychology
1961 Concordia High School, Seward, NE
Professional Accomplishments:
2009-2010 Flunked retirement. Pastor to Expatriate Congregation – Prague Czech Republic
2007-February Officially retired and went on Synod’s Roster as “Pastor Emeritus”
2003-2008 Vice-President, Lutheran Family Services Foundation
2003-2009 Board of Regents, Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska
Concordia Foundation, Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska
1997-2006 President, West Omaha Lutheran School Association (WOLSA) Board of Directors & Foundation
1994-2008 Vice President, Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska
2004-2008 LC-MS – National Convention Nominations Committee
1999-2007 Pastoral Leadership Institute - Mentor Congregation
1993-2007 Senior Pastor, Director of Ministries, Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, Omaha, Nebraska (congregation growth 1076 to 2897)
1993-present Served on various LC-M Committees and Task Forces
- Chairman, English District Board of Stewardship, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
- Pastor, Christ Church-Lutheran, Phoenix, AZ
1978-1983 Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Lexington, NE
- Evangelistic Missionary to Lutheran Church in the Philippines, held numerous district and national positions
Family (Spouse, Children, Grandchildren):
Carlyn, Certified Registered Psychiatric Nurse, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic, now retired
Amy Littler, MSW, LCSW Clinical Social Worker (spouse – David)
Chad Block, Principal, Christ Lutheran School, Yuma, AZ (spouse – Andrea)
Jeffrey Block, Senior Systems Analyst, Motorola, Inc., Phoenix, AZ (spouse – Michele)
Jacob Block age 9, Kaden Block age 7, Abby Littler age 8, Briana Block age 2, Aaron Littler age 6, Lauren Block age 1
Interests and Hobbies:
Passionate about Leadership Development for young pastors in the LC-MS. Until retirement he worked with various churches and other organizations as a mentor in the area of leadership development. From 1995-2003 he was the National Chair of the Developing Leaders for Ministry (DLM) program. He has enjoyed leading religious lecture Biblical tours to Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Greece, the Greek Islands, and Turkey as well as other points in the Mid East., Other “just plain fun” tours included Fiji, New Zealand, and Australia. In addition, he is an avid golfer, hunter, fisherman and reader. Most important of all he is a loving husband to Carlyn, his wife of 44 years, and a retired psychiatric nurse. He is called Papa by his six grandchidren.