Connie Bohlmann
Watseka, Illinois
Back in 1967 . . .

Connie attended business college until December, 1962, and then worked at a loan company for four years in her home town, Watseka, Illinois. It was here that she met her husband and they moved to Colorado in August, 1966. He teaches art in Golden, Colorado.
She is presently employed by Dow Chemical Company and sees continued education in the future.
Cecelia - Connie wants to hear from you!
In 2010. . .
Greetings members of Concordia High School class of 1961! I am writing in behalf of my late wife Connie Bohlmann (Red) Finfrock. Looking through the list of members of her class, it made me smile, as I still remember hearing her refer to many of you as dear friends, well, most of you…. just kidding.
After Connie graduated she attended CTC in Winfield, Kansas for one year and then decided after summer break, not to return. She enrolled in Mary Crest Business College in Kankakee, IL and completed her degree in accounting and business management. During this time she also worked as head clerk and teller at Concord Savings and Loan in Watseka, IL.
Connie and I had known each other since childhood going to the same church etc. However, after leaving for Seward for high school, our visits were few and far between. It wasn’t until she returned from her first year at Winfield that my interest in this beautiful “redhead” began to grow. We actually started dating while I was still in my senior year at Watseka Comm. H.S. I remember once after we were married that she confided in me and said that she felt like a chaperone on the school bus once when we were going to a football game…..
I went off to Eastern Illinois University but Connie and I continued to date during those four years and were married the last semester of my senior yearm May 28, 1966. I took an art teaching job in the Jefferson County public school system in Colorado and we made our home in Arvada. Connie and I had two daughters, Tammy and Stacey. Tammy is 41, married to Rich McCoy and they have two children, Jesse who is 8 and Katie who is 11. Stacey is 37, married to Scott Dozer and they have two children, Reanna who is 8 and Linneah who is will be 13 June 4th. Both of my daughters have a lot of Connie in them but no red hair anywhere….
Connie worked at Dow Chemical for two years, stopped to have our firstborn
and then worked part time for the next several years. After both girls
were in school full time, she worked at Lutheran Hospital, Wheat Ridge,
CO. It was during this time that Connie developed breast cancer. She continued
to work at Lutheran right up within a month of her death….She only missed
a few days of work when she had surgery and not one day while she was taking
Connie has been with her eternal Savior since June 27, 1986. She was only 43 years old when she passed away. She had battled breast cancer for five years. If anyone knew her fighting competitive spirit, she never changed. She was a living testimony to us all of how a Christian deals with adversity in one’s life. Two examples of that faith was when one day she said, “ I know that if I could just reach up and touch Jesus’ robe, that I would be healed”, and she really believed that! Another time she said, “If one person comes to faith because of my trust in God, then having cancer is worth it”.
I would like to thank Dan Seim who wrote to
me asking if I could fill in the years for Connie since graduating from
CHS in 1961. I know she would love to say a special hi to the following
people she mentioned so many times when we were first married:
• Dave Block,
needless to say why she mentioned you !!!!
• CC Gruenwald Richter and Ted.
A pillow fight or two CC?
• Gloria Beck, Gary Borcherding, Rita Marquardt,
Tom Sass (somewhat of a trouble maker?) and Rhea Sprecher. I am sure
that I have left off many more, but she would want to say to you all, “Stay
the course, and fight the fight and someday we will meet again." You can
bet she’ll have a "Welcome Class of 1961" plastered on those heavenly gates.
Should you want to email me or phone: or 303-421-0455 and also listed on Facebook.
Norm Finfrock…..God bless you all, Norm