Dave Felten
Baltimore, Maryland
Back in 1967 . . .

Dave taught elementary school for two years and then returned to school to obtain his BS degree in Business industry and management. At present he is working toward his Master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University.
In addition to attending school, Dave is working for Westinghouse at their Aerospace Division as an industrial engineer, and teaching adult education classes for the public schools. He would someday like to serve as a service representative for Westinghouse in the European area.
In 2010. . .
Burlington, North Carolina
As I reflect on the past fifty years I have to go back a few more. I really enjoyed my years in high school. I was so fortunate in that I got to enjoy time out on the farm with Roger and Denny. Two great guys who shared their life and work with me. I remember sitting on a tractor going down a row of corn for a quarter of a mile doing everything but paying attention to what I was out there to do. Saturday nights were a big time. It was into town and cruising with a case of beer in the back seat - never drank a lot but it was cool to be cruising with two of the hottest guys in town. Lois got one of them and he is special to say the least. He was a little wild but always a special heart and spirit. Crazy time but sooo much fun.
I would leave the dorm after lights out and have a blast spending time with them, returning Sunday night in time for Dan to give me whatever home work we had. He was the brains in my room. And what a room we did have. Name plates above our beds, special drapes made out of the bedspreads, rugs and lamp shades that would threaten a house of prostitution. :-) Have fond memories of our times in the dorm picking on class mates we should have never done. But that's immaturity for you and man was I ever immature back then. But good time and memories going through high school.
Now on to what has transpired since 1961.
I returned to Baltimore to live with my parents and discover the real
world. Pumped gas, worked retail, ushered at the local theater, dug graves,
and then finally decided this is no good and need to go to college. University
of Maryland was close by and a campus in Baltimore helped, so went back
to school and got a degree.
Then it was on to the teaching profession where I taught for Baltimore
Public School system. Taught elementary 3rd graders and loved it but couldn't
afford it. Worked during the summer at Bethlehem Steel making more in three
months than I could in nine months, and with a family, decided to join
the ranks of industry. Started with Westinghouse and worked for them about
ten years in Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Pensacola (Florida). Then I moved
on to Clark Equipment in Buchanan Michigan. From there I decided to start
my own consulting firm in October of 1978. That ended up being my last
career change and continued building the consulting practice till retirement
in 2006.
Now I continue to enjoy retirement by spending time with the grandchildren, golf and a little travel. Vickie and I have three children and five grandchildren. Our oldest lives in Beijing with two beautiful girls, ages 8 years and 8 months. Our youngest lives close by in Greensboro and has three children, twins age 7 and our only male grandchild, Jasper David, age 1. Yes, he was named after both his grandfathers.