Kathy Theiss
Wittenberg, Missouri
Back in 1967 . . .

Upon graduation from CTC, in 1965, Kathy was to teach in a Lutheran school but it closed and she taught 2nd grade in a public school. The following year she had two offers from Lutheran schools and chose the one in the country. She and Dan bought a home in the country and have a large yard and garden.
Future plans call for taking some courses in general fields and starting a family. She forwards this message to Gloria Becker, “Wish you could have come to the wedding.”
In 2010. . .
Frohna, Missouri
I taught in country Niagara Falls area school until Kurt was born in 1971.
Deanna was born in 1974. I substituted until we moved to Missouri in
1977. Dan was hired at P& G in Cape Girardeau. Good old Perry County!
We bought property and built our own home in the country outside of Frohna.
We contracted for the concrete and outside frame and then we did the
rest. We moved in in 1979 and still have not completely finished it.
Now we really need to do some more remodeling.
I substituted in Lutheran and public schools until I went back full time
when Deanna went to High School. I taught in Lutheran Schools until May
of 2000. I opened and directed an after school program for the local public
school until 2003. The I became a sub. clerk at the local library branch.
Now I am trying to retire from that job. I did retire from teaching Sunday
School after about 50 years but I still sing with our church choir.
I enjoy reading and being with children.
I keep Dan well nourished with my organic herb and vegetable garden. I
do have some berries, however staying ahead of the birds and critters takes
some doing. This Valentine's Day we had BLT's with fresh grown (family
room) tomatoes.
Dan and I have traveled (mostly RV) through 47 states. We are missing Oregon, Deleware and Rhode Island. Outside of our CHS reunions we have seen Cece and Ted (3 of thier homes) and Rhea. Keith and Nelda Broaz stopped at the library when I happened to be working.
Kurt lives 20 miles away in Perryville and works at TG MO. He is still
single but looking. Deanna is a FNP at the University of MO Hospital
Rheumatology Clinic in Columbia. She deals with a lot of fibromyalgia
patients (which I have). She and husband Dave have Allison 3 1/2. We
sure wish we were closer than 4 hours so we could see her more often.
At this age she changes so quickly and has so much energy.
Future plans:
I hope to put together a booklet of Saxon German children's songs, rhymes
and prayers used around here. I want to show how to pronounce them, translate
them and also illustrate them. I have begun to collect them while someone
besides me remembers them. I hope to showcase them at the Frohna Saxon
Memorial and the Lutheran Heritage Museum in Altenburg someday.
The Lord willing and in stable health we plan to attend the 50th reunion and see everyone.
May 1, 2011
Hi guys,
About 2 months ago I had a nightmare. In it I was attending our 50th reunion. I looked around and didn't recognize anyone. I knew I had the date and place correct. Needless to say I woke up. I will look at our website to make sure that does not happen.
Yesterday, I was helping to greet visitors at the "Kleine Schule" here in Frohna. A group of four walked in and the eldest of the group told us he used to be a pastor at Trinity in Cape Girardeau. I kept looking at the other man in the group. He just looked like someone I had met before. Since Dan and I had worked at our Saxon Memorial Fall Festival for over 25 years I thought perhaps that was where I had met him. I told him he looked familar and asked his name. Imagine my surprise when he said Ron Krueger. It is amazing who you meet when you least expect it. Probably if I had seen him at our reunion I would have known him. However, this was a different situation. He and Russelynn were on a tour of Perry County sites with this pastor from Little Rock and Ron's sister. He did not know me until I told him who I was and we then we caught up a little on our lives. They are coming to the reunion too.
Just had to share that with you.