Keith Brosz
Wagner, South Dakota
Back in 1967 . . .

To someone “employed” by Uncle Sam the questionnaire we sent out was a little too much - “Booz” made a shambles of this one. But he did take time to write from his present location, the island of Guam.
He went to school for 2-1/2 years in South Dakota and then was employed by various radio stations in SD and Iowa. Uncle Sam grabbed him in January, 1965 and he went off to boot camp in California.
After taking various technical courses in repairing communications equipment he was shipped off to the island of Guam in May, 1966. From there he has been to Taiwan, Okinawa, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu and Japan. After one more year in the Navy, he hopes to finish school in either San Francisco or Denver.
He looks forward to the time when he might cross paths with some members of the class and asks that God would be with all of you. He welcomes any and all correspondence but makes no promises about return mail.
In 2010. . .
Anchorage, Alaska
April 8, 2010
After receiving Larry's latest email yesterday, I thought I could afford a few moments away from the bustle of trip arrangements for the next East Coast Heritage Trip in October of which I will not be a part. A replacement for me is now in place and with God's usual wisdom the school has been blessed with an outstanding person. I am honored to be replaced by someone with such great talent and abilities that far surpass this old guy.
Nelda and I have our townhouse for sale as of this week and our plan is to leave Alaska for our home in Fallbrook, CA in early August. We plan on taking the Alaska Ferry System to Bellingham and then a small road trip to visit friends and relatives on the way to Fallbrook. The best part of the plan is that it allows for some summer fishing before we depart.
Nelda is now beginning her seventh year of being cancer free and we give thanks to God for that blessing. We continue to enjoy our seven grandchildren albeit from a distance. We will be close to our daughter Rachel and her two kids when we move to Fallbrook. She is about four hours away in the Fresno area. Our other two daughters still are living in SE Missouri. One is Perry County and the other in Cape Giraurdeau.
Break-up is about finished so the snow is about gone for another year although we did have three days of spring snow fall on Monday through Wednesday. It is mostly gone after the warm temperatures of yesterday.
July 1, 2010
What fun to read of all of the wonderful accomplishments of the class of “61”! I have always felt very blessed to have had the honor of being a member of the class even though it was for only one very short year. Dan was so kind to remind me of the first survey of the class that was done in 1967 or so. I had just spent 19 months on Guam and recently gone aboard the USS Chara, a hardly able to stay afloat, ammunition ship. It was probably not a good time for me to respond to a survey.
Nelda and I were married in May of 1968 and we enjoyed a yearlong honeymoon in the San Francisco Bay area except for my four month deployment back to Vietnam during that year. Upon separation from the Navy I resumed my career in broadcasting but the Lord had other ideas. I went back to school at Idaho State and after one year transferred to Concordia where on a cold December Saturday in 1971, I finally graduated.
Our service in the church has taken us from Nebraska, to Seattle, to Chicago, to Idaho, back to Seattle and finally to the Greatland of Alaska. At the last Administrator’s Conference I was rudely reminded that I am currently the oldest and longest serving Administrator in the Northwest District. Along the way we have visited many places, met many interesting people and filled a large address book with friends from many parts of the world.
We were blessed with three lovely daughters. Robyn, our oldest, is a Lutheran Teacher and lives in Farrar, MO just down the road from Kathy Thiess Schoenherr. Rob married a local boy and has two boys and one girl and is expecting our eighth grandchild. Michelle, our middle daughter, lives in Cape Girardeau, Mo and she operates her own violin and piano studio and will teach music in Altenburg, MO Public School this fall. She married Karl Suhr, the son of John Suhr. Some of you may have had John for biology. They have two live wire little girls. Michelle and Larry Noack’s daughter Holly became close friends in college. Together they could whistle a very wicked “Stars and Stripes Forever” in two parts. Our youngest daughter Rachel enjoys her career as a Cost Accountant with “Market 52”, a wholesale produce company, in Visalia, CA. She has two children, a boy and a girl. Our California home is about 4 hours away from her. I should also say that brother-in-law Dave Meyer lives 40 minutes away from us in La Mesa.
Blessings to all and I look forward to reacquainting with you in 2011.