Lois Bruns
Great Bend, Kansas
Back in 1967 . . .

Lois graduated from CTC in 1965, taught grades 1-4 in Hutchinson, Kansas for one year, and then accepted a call to peace, Waco, Nebraska. She became the happy bride of Dennis Richters in June, 1966, and is presently teaching grades 3-4 and 2-3 in Waco, besides carrying out the duties of a farm wife.
In the next year or so, Lois hopes to terminate her service as a full time teacher, complete course requirements for a Master’s degree, and devote full time to her home.
She also sends congratulations to Judy Nack on the birth of her twin sons.
In 2010. . .
Utica, Nebraska
I attended Concordia for my junior and senior years. It was a wonderful experience for me. I remember the many friends, the fun class times, the time at West Co-Lin and Hillcrest. The classes were challenging and really prepared me for college study.
Following graduation, I continued at Concordia for four more years. The first year those of us who had attended CHS were placed in off-campus housing. Lois Abresch and I roomed with 4 sophomores at Vic Kroeger's home on 4th Street. Dr. Glaess and Dr. Beck were two of my favorite profs. My major was music and I enjoyed Chorus and ACappella tours around the states. My senior year I was preparing for going to teach on the west coast when I met the love of my life, Dennis Richters. I asked to be placed in a vicinity close to Seward County. (That really pleased Dr. Langefeld) Upon graduation, I taught my first year at Our Redeemer in Hutchinson, Kansas. I had 34 students in grades 1-4. Needless to say, I spent most of my time at school doing preps and checking work.
Dennis and I were married June 19, 1966, in Junction City, Kansas. The next two years I taught at St. John's Lutheran, Waco, Nebraska. After that time I stayed home with plans to start our family. During the first few years of our marriage, I enjoyed working with the youth at Holy Cross, Goehner, through music,catechism, and other activities. I had first-hand experience with the farming operation then. We soon moved to the home place of Den's folks. Jason, our son, was born July 19, 1969. Our daughter, Janette, was born the next year on August 8th. I enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom for about 9 years. Then I returned to teaching at Centennial Public School and taught 3rd grade there for 28 years. During most of that time, I helped with the choir at Holy Cross. For several years I enjoyed being part of the Goehner Melodrama, a group of local musicians and thespians who loved putting on a great show.
We're fortunate that our children and grandchildren live here in Nebraska.
Janette married Jay Nielsen in 1997. He's a homebuilder around Blair,Nebraska.
Janette is an Occupational Therapist working for a home health provider.
They have 3 children: Jack and Cayla are twins who are 9 years old. Bo
is their 5 year old. Jason married Nancy Baden in 1999. She was a paralegal,
but has become a stay-at-home mom with their 3 boys. Jason is now doing
the majority of the farming and they live on the home place. Their sons
are Haden, age 9; Carson, age 7; and Ryan, age 3. It's pretty busy around
here when they're all here.
I retired from teaching in May 2005. The first year we started working on a development for homes in Utica and I spent at least one day a week with each set of grandkids. What fun it was to enjoy them without the pressure of schoolwork waiting to be done! Now 4 are in school full-time. School really cuts into quality grandparent time. We built out home and moved in February, 2007. Now I substitute some, babysit, and volunteer at school. Learning how to say no is an important lesson in retirement. People are more than willing to commit you to more than you are comfortable doing.
There were so many good times at CHS. I remember the foot frolicking in West Co-Lin when the shades would be pulled. I'm sure that really fooled everyone outside. I've seen Rosie, our house mother, a few times. She was still doing well the last time I saw her. This winter has brought back memories of the long walks to Hillcrest. It seemed like we had lots of drifts to plow through then also. I remember times on the fire escape when the weather was warm. Who was it that crawled out of the room during German class? Remember when Rev. Martin slammed his book and left class? Ron Royuk and his wife, Elaine, were some of our piano monitors. They now are retired and living in Seward. Even though much of the campus has changed, being on campus brings back a flood of wonderful memories.
I'm looking forward to our reunion and seeing everyone again.
Lois Bruns Richters