Ben Schumacher
Miami, Florida
Back in 1967 . . .

Good ol’ Ben lists the following activities in the past six years:
Finished college at ‘good ole CTC’
Took call to Bethany Lutheran Church (Milwaunkee)
Work, Fun, Beer!
(Having personal knowledge of his activities, I can state that a good deal of
time is spent on #3.)
Future plans include a family and continuation of education. He includes this message, “Tom Sass, where are you?” (Can’t you still hear him yelling that down the hall in Miessler?)
He also suggests an interclass Christmas newsletter, which is what this first edition might turn out to be!
In 2010. . .
Aurora, Missouri
I...joined our class as a junior in 1959.
sang in the choir with Doc Telshow
played organ and piano
met my future wife, Elaine, in February 1960.
was trainer for high school football team
roomed with our class president . . . when we were seniors in college.
Class president was best man at our wedding in Chicago in 1966.
In July, 1975, completed Master of Music degree at Northwestern, Evanston,
Taught in two Lutheran Elementary Schools for 17 years in Wisconsin.
Became a DCE in 1982 in Black Jack, MO (near St. Louis, served 19 years.
Called and Ordained into pastoral ministry in 2004
Retired in 2009 at age 66.
Now serving as Volunteer Chaplain.
Elaine has had some health issues lately, but, thanks be to God, they are under control and seem to be clearing up. Elaine is employed by Jack Henry, Inc., a company who supplies software and tech support to Some 11,000 independent banks throughout the U.S. She works with three others in the "Corporate Business Analyst Dept." They keep track of how well the corporation is doing. (Considering the economy's troubles lately, they are doing rather well. Their stock is now on the upswing.)
Elaine plans to retire at the end of June. (Her 65th birthday will be
on July 3rd.) At church, Elaine has been very active as S S Teacher, V
B S, Sec.of LWML, and helps out wherever she can. This coming February
7th, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of our first date. I took
her to Rivoli Theater in Seward and then to Dale's for a snack. On August
21st, God willing, we will celebrate our 44th
wedding anniversary.
We have two children, Miriam and Ben Paul, and three grandsons; Ryan,
Russell, and Romeo. Last year, I had the joyful privilege of performing
Ryan's wedding to a lovely girl, Victoria. We enjoy our family very much!
We are looking forward with great anticipation to being with you and the
others again in 2011!
With Joy in Jesus,
PS - This is our Christmas 2010 photo.
In 2021
To My Dear Classmates of 1961,
On February 7th,Elaine and I celebrated the 61st anniversary of our first date. That was the date when I really began to love her. We were married on August 21, 1966, just a little over fifty-four years ago. With Jesus as the Center of our marriage, we have grown and are still growing in our love for HIM and for each other. In His grace, we have been blessed with two children, Miriam (born 12/15/1968) and Ben Paul (born 11/19/1970). We have three grandsons (Ryan, Russell, Romeo). They are married and between them have been given us five great grandchildren. Elaine and I give thanks to our Lord for each one of them.
In 2011, two years after my so-called "retirement," Elaine and I went on a trip to Yellowstone and the Glacial National Parks in Montana. Later that year, we spent a marvelous time with you, my dear brothers and sisters- Christ as we together celebrated our 50 year reunion in Seward.
In 2016, our children joined their resources and sent us on a ten-day cruise to Alaska to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary. We met some great new friends and had a wonderful time...a ton of pictures/videos.
At the present time, we live in St Robert, Missouri, about 84 miles northeast of Springfield. I retired in 2009 and 'Elaine retired in 2010. In 2017, we moved from Aurora, Missouri, where I served as Pastor of Grace St Robert, be close to our daughter and her fine husband Randy.
As we left Aurora, I prayed, "Lord Jesus, if you still have use for me, I will follow where and serve at what you want me to do." Well, our Savior took me up on my offer. Our current congregation at Faith Lutheran opened their hearts to us. In 2020, Faith called me to serve them as Assistant Pastor. Pastor John Perling is the Pastor. He has the heart and attitude of a true servant of Jesus and His people. My specific duties are: play the organ once or twice a month; preach three or four times a year; teach a Bible Study group every Tuesday afternoon. I share a devotional with the choir, and visit the shut-ins and sick as often as possible...including nursing homes (before and after our current pandemic.) I can say with all my heart...I LOVE THE MINISTRY OUR LORD HAS GRANTED ME TO DO. I'm really quite busy!
MEMORIES: There are so many and they are precious to me. But, hopefully, we will be able to share our memories with each other if not in this life...later when we are all together again with our Lord after our "home-coming" in the New Heaven and New Earth.
MESSAGES: As your classmate and friend, I also consider myself as your "brother-in-Christ." It is my fervent prayer that somehow we WILL be able to be together IN PERSON before our Lord calls all of us Home. You are dear to me!
In the meantime, I share this blessing with each of you:
May the PEACE of God, which by far transcends all our understanding...may that peace guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus; our Savior, our Lord and our Faithful Shepherd/King....unto LIFE EVERLASTING. AMEN!
With JOY in JESUS, and Much Affection,